
Watoto Samburu Foundation was founded March 27, 2000 by the artist couple Marianne (sculptor) and Hans Houtkamp (painter) after their first visit to the Samburu, Kenya. 

Marianne and Hans wanted to pay back those people who inspired them so much in their work and who met and still meet them so friendly, despite the very poor circumstances of their living.

The Foundation was quickly set up, aiming at medical and educational support for the youth of the Samburu tribe in Kenya.

Where ?

The area is situated along the border of the Buffalo Springs National Reserve and the Samburu National reserve, in the middle of Kenya.

How ?

By starting up various projects to support the community in the Samburu villages:

  • directly
  • ourselves
  • under own management
  • own funding
  • small scale

Our mission

  • improving circumstances
  • teaching the young people, for a better understanding of their fate
  • making them more able to cope with changes more easily
  • especially those caused by the upcoming western world
  • learning them to cherish their own culture and traditions and its power

Culture and traditions

  • in the meantime a good relationship has grown from the long-term involvement
  • allowing their culture to become more and more visible
  • sometimes even being involved in traditional rituals as a boys circumcision, a wedding or other special happenings